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【New Cybersecurity Challenges】AI-Enabled Managed Security Services Respond Swiftly for AI-Enhanced Attacks

【New Cybersecurity Challenges】AI-Enabled Managed Security Services Respond Swiftly for AI-Enhanced Attacks

2024-05-31CybersecurityIntelligent InnovationEvent Highlights

We have hosted the "AI is a Double-edged Sword" customer event, featuring a Fireside Chat session with three innovative companies, Pretech, Swapify, and UNCLE2 shared insights on AI…

CITIC Telecom CPC Facilitates Enterprises' Digital Globalization with its

CITIC Telecom CPC Facilitates Enterprises' Digital Globalization with its "Global Local" Expertise

2019-07-19 AIData AnalyticsCloudNetworkData CenterCybersecurityIntelligent InnovationSD-WANDigital Transformation

In the era of globalization, new economic models continue to emerge. Smart technologies are reinforcing enterprises innovation, and digital transformation is crucial for the success…

Big Data Era

Big Data Era

2019-05-07 Data AnalyticsIntelligent Innovation

Big Data will be a major disruptive technology to business models and societal behaviors. We will all live a “digital life” in a “Smart City,” even more so than today when we al…

Facial Recognition to Combat Public Housing Abuses

Facial Recognition to Combat Public Housing Abuses

2019-04-15 AIData AnalyticsIntelligent Innovation

The use of facial recognition is getting widespread. As the technology is becoming more popular, it has been extended to daily life applications, from unlocking mobile phones to mob…

Innovation Never Stops

Innovation Never Stops

2019-04-11 Intelligent InnovationDigital Transformation

A current issue in today’s business, is believing that innovation is solely linked to technology, so many enterprises fail to ‘innovate”, which may cost them to lose their footin…

Why is Estonia a startup paradise

Why is Estonia a startup paradise

2019-03-27 Data CenterIntelligent Innovation

Estonia is a startup paradise. It has the highest rates of startups per capita in Europe – one for every 3100 citizens. The Estonians are entrepreneurial and innovative, while the …

The“Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

The“Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area"

2019-03-27 CybersecurityIntelligent Innovation

The “Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area" was officially launched. One of the key strategies is the development of innovation.The Plan sugge…

Technology talent is in short supply right now

Technology talent is in short supply right now

2019-03-15 SustainabilityIntelligent Innovation

With its unique well-establishment in innovation technology field, Hong Kong has played a leading role in the development of the Greater Bay Area. The demand for ICT talents is risi…

 Fujian -

Fujian - "Innovative Backbone"

2019-03-08 Intelligent InnovationDigital Transformation

Fujian is a key province of the Belt and Road Initiative and an important experimental field for national innovation and transformation.

Hungary -

Hungary - "Country of Innovations"

2019-01-18 Intelligent Innovation

You’ve probably tried to solve a Rubik’s Cube or write with a ballpoint pen. Do you know they all are Hungarian invention? Hungarians are mightily inventive and produced 13 Nobel…

The Moscow metro was the first to launch free Wi-Fi on its trains

The Moscow metro was the first to launch free Wi-Fi on its trains

2018-10-12 Intelligent Innovation

We enter a new era in connecting the world to the "Digital Silk Road" by expanding our coverage to 140+ points of presence (POPs) in 130 countries spanning across Europe, Russia & C…

IDC Forecasts Education IT Spending in Asia Pacific

IDC Forecasts Education IT Spending in Asia Pacific to Surpass US $11.8 billion by 2020

2018-10-05 Intelligent InnovationDigital Transformation

In the past decade, technology has dramatically changed education sector. With easy access to the Internet, it effectively bridged the gap between teaching and learning.

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