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Embracing Intelligent Operations: Automating Business Operations with AI in a Strong Security Foundation

AI is revolutionizing industries by minimizing manual processes and human errors, significantly enhancing operational efficiency and productivity through machine learning, robust computing capacities, automated workflows, data analysis, and generative AI tools. Cloud computing can provide substantial cloud resources and storage, empowering enterprises to process big data and leverage intelligent technologies to accelerate digital development.

CITIC Telecom CPC, together with its ecosystem partner Green Radar, organized the "Embracing Intelligent Operations cum AI-infused Tea Workshop" event, immersing customers in exploring the BARN Space, indulging in tea-tasting experiences while delving into how intelligent technologies are transforming the traditional tea industry. The sharing sessions covered the major trends in multi-cloud applications and strategies, as well as how Privileged Access Management (PAM) effectively safeguards data in cloud environments to ensure a secure digital transformation.

Visiting the BARN Space to Explore the Intelligent Tea Industry

During the event, Mavis Li, Chief Training Director at the BARN, shared the ethos driving the promotion of tea culture and how AI-powered tea production effectively enhances tea quality. She further explained how automation can be implemented across various stages of tea-making, including real-time monitoring, harvesting, and processing of tea leaves which leads to improved operational efficiency for promoting digital development of the tea industry.

AI Technology: Embracing Multi-Cloud Strategies as Future Trends

Danny Tang, Senior Product Manager of Cloud Services at CITIC Telecom CPC, highlighted that nearly 74% of surveyed IT executives expressed their intent to adopt multi-cloud services for running AI applications and data analysis. This underscores the dominance of multi-cloud applications for digital transformation due to their high flexibility and scalability, effectively achieving low operating costs while avoiding vendor lock-in. However, enterprises face numerous challenges when adopting or managing multi-cloud applications.

Danny continued to emphasize that CITIC Telecom CPC's professional team offers tailored services for customers at every stage of cloud adoption (Migrate, Consume, Manage and Protect). As a VMware Pinnacle tier partner in Hong Kong, Mainland China, Singapore, Japan and Taiwan, we provide SmartCLOUD™ cloud solutions that can assist enterprises to seamlessly migrate from on-premises infrastructure to the cloud while ensuring the security of the data and infrastructure during the process. In addition, our SmartCLOUD™ multi-cloud managed service unifies cloud service monitoring, analysis, and billing, simplifying the payment process and alleviating enterprises’ concerns.

Safeguarding Multi-Cloud Assets with Privileged Access Management (PAM)

In safeguarding cloud data and applications, Privileged Access Management (PAM) emerges as a vital solution for enterprises to protect their assets. Kenneth Ma, Executive VP Sales at Green Radar, introduced their grKey solution, a PAM-as-a-service designed to safeguard enterprise multi-cloud assets with the ability to manage privileged account identities and activities based on demand, facilitating approval processes, privileged password management, daily monitoring, and audit requirements to ensure cloud data security effectively.

In recent years, CITIC Telecom CPC has collaborated with Green Radar to provide cybersecurity services to enterprises, and recently integrated grKey into its series of cloud services. Enterprises can now access cloud data via grKey directly without letting the team possess any keys or passwords. All operations are meticulously documented, significantly bolstering customers’ confidence in securing their data. Coupled with SmartCLOUD™ BRR solution, we can provide customers with a full range of managed cloud backup, replication and disaster recovery services to further ensure the security of cloud data.

Fulfilling Business Needs with Highly Efficient and Reliable SmartCLOUD™ Solutions

SmartCLOUD™ Solutions adapt and protect the evolving IT landscapes, offering sophisticated and highly customizable intelligent cloud services for enterprises. Services include SmartCLOUD™ Compute Virtual Private Cloud, SmartCLOUD™ vONE Dedicated Private Cloud, SmartCLOUD™ BRR Cloud Backup & Disaster Recovery, SmartCLOUD™ Container, SmartCLOUD™ Object Storage, Multi-Cloud Connect and SmartCLOUD™ Multi-cloud Managed Services that optimize the performance of business-critical applications while allowing enterprises to focus on core business and achieve digital transformation.

Contact our team of cloud experts for further details!
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