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In today’s digitally focused business world, many companies struggle with managing numerous cloud and legacy applications, even as their IT staff continuously develop and refine applications to support new business initiatives in an unrelenting, fast-paced, highly competitive environment. Application containerization technology can dramatically simplify this workflow, streamlining operations and offering profound competitive advantages. SmartCLOUD™ Container Service, as a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), is built on industry-standard and a fully managed cloud-based container platform.

SmartCLOUD™ Container Service allows software developers and IT departments to upload, organize, run, scale, and adjust different features without affecting the entire application. It promises a streamlined, easy-to-deploy secure using container-based virtualization.

Fully managed container platform

Managed Container Platform (Container) Solutions Diagram


    • A highly available, 24 x 7 fully managed container orchestration Platform-as-a-Service, removing an enterprise’s burden of configuration, performance, patching, and upgrading.
    • Streamlines and automates DevOps container management. IT teams can focus on designing and testing applications with increased productivity.
    • Enterprise-grade security and compliance to meet stringent customer requirements, providing a safer and more stable IT environment.
    • User-friendly web console provides Developer and Administrator perspectives, enabling faster creation and deployment of applications.
    • Supports even the most demanding workloads, including machine learning, data analytics, edge computing, DevSecOps, and more.
    • Open industry framework avoids vendor lock-in risks associated with proprietary technologies.


Cloud Computing: Benefits, Use Cases and Everything You Need to Know

Cloud Computing: Benefits, Use Cases and Everything You Need to Know


Cloud computing has become a major trend in today's business environment. This article will introduce cloud computing and its applications in detail, helping you fully grasp the glo…

Containerization Technology - Unleashing Application Development Potential

Containerization Technology - Unleashing Application Development Potential


In today’s business world, digital transformation is driving enterprises to develop a plethora of applications with cloud computing in the hope that digitalized operation will lead…

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