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Tooted ja Teenused

Pakume kõrgeimal tasemel hallatud suurepäraseid teenuseid ja tooteid

Empowering Your Business with AI-Powered Managed Solutions

Harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and more advanced innovative technologies, CITIC Telecom CPC specializes in delivering service excellence through an extensive range of enterprise-grade managed solutions. Our mission is to simplify IT complexities, reduce overheads, enhance operational efficiency, and ultimately accelerating digital transformation for enterprises.

Encompassing all critical areas of enterprise ICT, our suite of AI-powered managed solutions seamlessly integrates Networking, Information Security, Cloud Computing and Cloud Data Center solutions. This extensive convergence of DICT offerings lays a robust digital foundation for enterprises to embrace digital innovations and propel themselves forward in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Please click on the below AI-powered Solutions icons for more details.

AI+ Cloud Network Security

Network Security

Data Network

AI Security

AI Network

Data Security

AI Data Center


Data Cloud

AI Cloud

Cloud Security

AI+ Cloud Network Security

Infusing AI technologies into the foundation of “Cloud, Network & Security” creates a secure cloud-network environment that accelerates digital transformation across industries.


Network Security

Protecting networks from unauthorized access, attacks, and disruptions, ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and availability of network resources and data.

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Data Network

An interconnected infrastructure that facilitates the efficient transmission, routing, and exchange of data between network devices, enabling effective network resources allocation.


AI Security

Enhancing threat detection, vulnerability assessment, and incident response for proactive and intelligent defense against cyber threats.

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AI Network

Optimizing performance, automate management, and enable intelligent decision-making for efficient and reliable network operations.

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Data Security

Protecting business
data from unauthorized access to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability, while mitigating risks, and preventing data breaches or unauthorized disclosures.


AI Data Center

Fusing AI capabilities
into the datacenter facilitates seamless collaboration between remote technicians and ensures uninterrupted operations.

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Converging cloud with networking technologies to deliver scalable, flexible, and on-demand network resources for cloud-based applications and services.

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Data Cloud

Using cloud technology
and data analytics capabilities to store, process, and manage big data, enabling advanced data insights and intelligent applications.


AI Cloud

Integrating AI capabilities
with cloud infrastructure enables advanced data analytics, machine learning, and AI-driven applications.


Cloud Security

Ensures protection of data, applications and infrastructure in cloud environments against unauthorized access and cyber threats.

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Please click on the above
AI-powered Solutions icons for more details.

AI+ Cloud Network Security

Infusing AI technologies into the foundation of “Cloud, Network & Security” creates a secure cloud-network environment that accelerates digital transformation across industries.


Network Security

Protecting networks from unauthorized access, attacks, and disruptions, ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and availability of network resources and data.

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Data Network

An interconnected infrastructure that facilitates the efficient transmission, routing, and exchange of data between network devices, enabling effective network resources allocation.


AI Security

Enhancing threat detection, vulnerability assessment, and incident response, providing proactive defensive and intelligent measures against cyber threats.

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AI Network

Optimizing performance, automate management, and enable intelligent decision-making for efficient and reliable network operations.

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Data Security

Protecting business data from unauthorized access to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability, while mitigating risks, and preventing data breaches or unauthorized disclosures.


AI Data Center

Fusing AI capabilities into the datacenter facilitates seamless collaboration between remote technicians and ensures uninterrupted operations.

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Converging cloud with networking technologies to deliver scalable, flexible, and on-demand network resources for cloud-based applications and services.

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Data Cloud

Using cloud technology and data analytics capabilities to store, process, and manage big data, enabling advanced data insights and intelligent applications.


AI Cloud

Integrating AI capabilities with cloud infrastructure enables advanced data analytics, machine learning, and AI-driven applications.


Cloud Security

Ensures protection of data, applications and infrastructure in cloud environments against unauthorized access and cyber threats.

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Võrgustiku loomine

Võrgustiku loomine

TrueCONNECT™ on maailmatasemel võrgulahendused kiiretele globaalsetele ettevõtetele



TrustCSI™ on täismahus hallatud turbeteenuste komplekt, mis toetab ettevõtete digitaalse ümberkujundamise strateegiat



SmartCLOUD™ suurendab ettevõtte jõudlust, tootlikkust ja paindlikkust väiksemate kuludega



DataHOUSE™ on üles ehitatud operaatoritasemel võrguinfrastruktuurile, ühendades ~30 ülemaailmset andmekeskust

Haldatavad teenused

Haldatavad teenused

Managed ICT services at your command with high visibility and efficiency

Euroopa lahendused

Euroopa lahendused

Accelerate your digital journey from Europe to Asia

Tooted ja Teenused
Euroopa lahendused Võrgustiku loomine Infoturve Pilvelahendused Pilvandmekeskus Internetiteenused Haldatavad teenused
Arhitektuur, projekteerimine ja ehitus Autotööstus BFSI Logistika ja transport Tootmine Õigus- ja raamatupidamisteenused Jaemüük Healthcare
Tehnoloogia ja teenused
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