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Recognitions of Excellence from Ecosystem Partners – Driving Digital Transformation for Enterprises

Recognitions of Excellence from Ecosystem Partners – Driving Digital Transformation for Enterprises

2023-09-08ÖkosfäärDigitaalne transformatsioon

We are honored to receive multiple excellence partner awards, recognizing our efforts in building win-win collaboration with our ecosystem partners and customers, and co-creating ne…

Recognitions of Excellence from Ecosystem Partners – Driving Digital Transformation for Enterprises

Recognitions of Excellence from Ecosystem Partners – Driving Digital Transformation for Enterprises

2023-09-08 ÖkosfäärDigitaalne transformatsioon

We are honored to receive multiple excellence partner awards, recognizing our efforts in building win-win collaboration with our ecosystem partners and customers, and co-creating ne…

Susutainable Technology is key for Greener Enterprise

Sparkling Biz Matters Series: Sustainable Technology for Greener Enterprises

2023-04-28 TehisintellektPilvJätkusuutlikkusDigitaalne transformatsioon

Using sustainable technology is essential for businesses to achieve ESG goals and carry out cost optimization, energy efficiency enhancement and better resource utilization to impro…

Looking into the Driving Force Behind Datong Insurance’s Digital Transformation

Looking into the Driving Force Behind Datong Insurance’s Digital Transformation

2023-01-17 ÜhendusedCustomer ExperienceMajutuskeskusInfoturveDigitaalne transformatsioon

Homogeneous and inefficient offline operations and agency means are no longer applicable to the new market and changing supervision policies, as the insurance industry is undergoing…

Cloud and Network: A Panacea for Digital and Intelligent Upgrades in Pharmaceutical Industry

Cloud and Network: A Panacea for Digital and Intelligent Upgrades in Pharmaceutical Industry

2023-01-06 PilvÜhendusedCustomer ExperienceDigitaalne transformatsioon

While traditional pharmaceutical companies are embarking on digitalization, those that have been around are already stepping into intelligentization and taking advantage...

Middle Platforms of Data and Business: Expediting Digital Transformation for Cabbeen

Middle Platforms of Data and Business: Expediting Digital Transformation for Cabbeen

2022-12-12 ÜhendusedCustomer ExperienceMajutuskeskusInfoturveDigitaalne transformatsioon

The fashion industry is entering a highway to a reshuffling and reshaping environment with the rapid development of the digital economy, the question is, how can the industry adapt …

CIE Golde: To Roof over Digitalization with Innovations

CIE Golde: To “Roof over” Digitalization with Innovations

2022-11-16 ÜhendusedCustomer ExperienceSD-WANDigitaalne transformatsioon

Interconnection in the digital era has brought together cross-regional online and offline businesses, facilitating the global business of enterprises, creating new opportunities and…

Autoneum Going Global with Green Digitalization Solutions

Autoneum Going Global with Green Digitalization Solutions

2022-11-09 PilvCustomer ExperienceMajutuskeskusDigitaalne transformatsioon

Autoneum, headquartered in Switzerland, is a globally-leading company specializing and pioneering in acoustic and thermal management of vehicles. Thanks to the partnership with Chin…

CITIC Dicastal’s Digital Transformation and Innovation for Globalization
Containerization Technology - Unleashing Application Development Potential

Containerization Technology - Unleashing Application Development Potential

2022-08-26 PilvDigitaalne transformatsioon

In today’s business world, digital transformation is driving enterprises to develop a plethora of applications with cloud computing in the hope that digitalized operation will lead…

CITIC Pacific Special Steel: Empowered by Integrated ICT Solution for Digitalization and Intelligentization

CITIC Pacific Special Steel: Empowered by Integrated ICT Solution for Digitalization and Intelligentization

2022-07-15 PilvÜhendusedCustomer ExperienceMajutuskeskusInfoturveSD-WANDigitaalne transformatsioon

Having gone through multiple reviews in 2012, CITIC Pacific Special Steel opted to partner with China Entercom, to improve its focus on the core business with streamlined production…

Leading the Digital Transformation: Non-ferrous Metal enterprise embarks on the DX journey

Leading the Digital Transformation: Non-ferrous Metal enterprise embarks on the DX journey

2022-06-09 ÜhendusedCustomer ExperienceSD-WANDigitaalne transformatsioon

Unlike steel and coal enterprises, it is more challenging to realize digital transformation in the non-ferrous metal industry, due to discrete and complex operation, obstacles in da…

Embracing Container Technology: Engender New Application Values

Embracing Container Technology: Engender New Application Values

2022-05-27 PilvDigitaalne transformatsioon

In the era of technology explosion, PaaS (Platform as a Service) is one of the most dynamic markets with exponential growth in the adoption rate over the last few years

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