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What is a Container?

Container is a unit of software that contains codes and other necessary components, including files, system libraries, etc., that let applications run the same way they do, regardless of the hardware and environment. In this way, the cloud container virtualizes the operating system for the application, so that DevOps can run it in both private and public clouds. Container technology also provides an isolated environment in which DevOps can alter features without affecting the entire application.

Cloud Container VS Virtual Machine

Some may find it difficult to differentiate containers from virtual machines. The major difference is that VMs have to install an entire operating system while containers run only a portion of the OS. Making cloud container technology a much more lightweight method for managing and deploying applications that alleviate and speeds up the development process.

Relationship Between Cloud Computing and Container

In the digitized modern world, companies are increasingly relying on cloud services and/or applications. Most would choose to implement container technology to manage and deploy applications and software on the cloud. Cloud container technology is highly recommended especially to companies that are operating 2 or more cloud environments for easier and faster workload migration.

Cloud containers run in an online environment, while applications and microservices in these cloud containers are isolated from cloud infrastructure. Cloud container technology enhances the consistency in cloud storage, as it ignores the organizational and technical barriers. Containerization of legacy applications is also an easy way to modernize the app. Simply containerize it and it is ready for migration to the cloud.

5 Benefits of Cloud Container

  • Easier for containerized applications to be migrated to cloud
  • High speed due to its lightweight
  • Offers flexibility and scalability
  • Does not have requirements of hardware implementation
  • Consistency in operation<

CITIC Telecom CPC’s Container Solution - SmartCLOUD™ Container Service

CITIC Telecom CPC’s SmartCLOUD™ Container Service is a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) which is a fully managed cloud-based container platform suitable for corporate usage. Having to deal with the challenges including but not limited to security, backup, networking and troubleshooting, is a heavy workload to most corporations that do not have a large IT team.

CITIC Telecom CPC’s service comes with an enterprise-grade, comprehensive ready-to-use DevOps toolkits and a user-friendly UI. The corporate IT team can therefore focus on application design and development with a higher productivity.

In today’s digitally focused business world, many companies struggle with managing numerous cloud and legacy applications, even as their IT staff continuously develop and refine applications to support new business initiatives in an unrelenting, fast-paced, highly competitive environment. Application containerization technology can dramatically simplify this workflow, streamlining operations and offering profound competitive advantages. SmartCLOUD™ Container Service, as a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), is built on industry-standard and a fully managed cloud-based container platform.

SmartCLOUD™ Container Service allows software developers and IT departments to upload, organize, run, scale, and adjust different features without affecting the entire application. It promises a streamlined, easy-to-deploy secure using container-based virtualization.

Fully managed container platform

Managed Container Platform (Container) Solutions Diagram


    • A highly available, 24 x 7 fully managed container orchestration Platform-as-a-Service, removing an enterprise’s burden of configuration, performance, patching, and upgrading.
    • Streamlines and automates DevOps container management. IT teams can focus on designing and testing applications with increased productivity.
    • Enterprise-grade security and compliance to meet stringent customer requirements, providing a safer and more stable IT environment.
    • User-friendly web console provides Developer and Administrator perspectives, enabling faster creation and deployment of applications.
    • Supports even the most demanding workloads, including machine learning, data analytics, edge computing, DevSecOps, and more.
    • Open industry framework avoids vendor lock-in risks associated with proprietary technologies.


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