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Cloud Forecast 2014 (English version only)

Media Coverage @ NetworkWorld Asia

2014-02-12 Lae alla PDF


Stephen Ho, CEO of CITIC Telecom CPC

In 2013, we saw more technology convergence in platform-as-a-service (PaaS). The building blocks of cloud services in the infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) landscape were also entering the stage of maturity. Fierce competition within the software-as-a-service (SaaS) market has emerged and caused a certain level of complications in the market place.

For enterprises considering a move towards adopting cloud technology, security was still a major concern. However, these security concerns can be overcome when the selected cloud solutions that are built in the market have proper security features incorporated.

What the industry has to realize is that cloud computing consists of a very broad range of services and ultimately, regardless of the size of the service providers range of products or services, the winners will be those that provide solutions that are able to fulfill real business needs. 

In 2014, the focus on cloud computing will move beyond offering many different types of services for different functions, to integrating the various building blocks of these services to provide viable solutions to enterprises.

Therefore, leveraging IaaS, SaaS or even PaaS (mainly for developers) and successfully integrating them for specific business needs is the most important step.

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