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2014 Hong Kong Awards for Industries: Productivity and Quality Certificate of Merit Award (English version only)

Media Coverage @ Hong Kong Productivity Council

2014-12-19 Lae alla PDF

2014 Hong Kong Awards for Industries: Productivity and Quality Certificate of Merit


2014 Hong Kong Awards for Industries: Productivity and Quality Certificate of Merit Award (English version only)

CITIC Telecom International CPC Ltd.


Business Nature

CITIC Telecom International CPC Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of CITIC Telecom International Holdings Limited (SEHK: 1883), is an information and communication technology solutions provider with multiple branches across Asia Pacific, and a partner by multinational corporations and business enterprises. The company delivers a range of innovative services, including: TrueCONNECT™ - an advanced MPLS VPN service which employs state-of-the-art fully meshed network, TrustCSI™ - an integrated suite of information security solutions, and SmartCLOUD™ – smarter, better and high performance cloud computing solutions which complement the company’s managed network and managed security solutions; all supported by multiple world-class Internet Data Centers in Asia.


中信國際電訊(信息技術)有限公司是中信國際電訊集團有 限公司的全資附屬公司 ( 香港交易所股份代號:1883),在 亞太區設有多個辦事處,主要提供資訊及通訊科技解決方 案,是跨國企業及商業機構的合作伙伴。該公司提供一系 列創新的產品及服務,包括透過專業及嚴謹管理全連接的 優化分佈網絡,以MPLS(多協議標籤交換)技術為基礎的 VPN服務 ─ TrueCONNECTTM;綜合信息安全服務套件 ─ TrustCSITM,以及創新智慧、靈活高效,能與公司的網絡 管理及安全管理解決方案互相融合的雲端運算解決方案 ─ SmartCLOUDTM;服務平台更由多個分佈在亞太區的世界 級數據中心支持,致力提供全面創新的通訊產品、安全方 案及管理服務。

Achievements in Productivity and Quality

CITIC Telecom CPC always strives to deliver the highest level of services and excellent solutions to customers. The operation of “Global Operations Centers” (GOCs), with seamless integration of security, cloud and network best practices and infrastructures, is a powerful foundation for the company’s solution offerings. Supported by an advanced and integrated operation system, GOC operators who equip with thorough knowledge and certifications in various areas can significantly streamline the daily ticket handling process and reduce handling time by over 66% on average.

The project of “Quality 360” is a continuous and comprehensive customer services program for addressing the overall customer experience on three key areas, namely a more reliable network (Net+), simpler and faster response (Power Forward) and userfriendly customer process (As You Like). With the enhancement of network infrastructure and process, the company has achieved 99.999% network availability in 2013 compared with 99.99% as the industry standard.


中信國際電訊 CPC 一直致力為客戶提供優質的服務和產 品,透過整合信息安全、雲端及網絡的最佳流程及基建, 「Global Operations Centers」(GOCs)可全面支援公司所 提供的方案服務,確保服務穩定。GOC 的操作人員均具 備全面的專業知識及認證,利用中心內設置的先進綜合系 統,可大大簡化日常事故處理流程,將平均的事故處理時 間縮短百分之六十六。

「Quality 360」是一個具持續性及全面的客戶服務項目,主 要加強公司在三方面的整體服務質素,包括: 提供更可靠的 網絡(「至Net升」項目)、清晰及快速的回應(「大前鋒」項 目)、簡單方便的客服流程(「隨您鍾意」項目),透過不斷優 化網絡基建及流程,於2013年,公司的網絡可用性表現達 至99.999%(行業標準為 99.99%)

2014 Hong Kong Awards for Industries: Productivity and Quality Certificate of Merit Award (English version only)

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