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Discover the power of SASE: Empowering Network Security and Safeguarding Your Business

Discover the power of SASE: Empowering Network Security and Safeguarding Your Business


SASE and SD-WAN are the two technologies that have been gaining popularity, let’s learn about their definitions, how they work together and offer advanced security to businesses.

Discover the power of SASE: Empowering Network Security and Safeguarding Your Business

Discover the power of SASE: Empowering Network Security and Safeguarding Your Business

2023-11-02 NetworkCybersecuritySASESD-WAN

SASE and SD-WAN are the two technologies that have been gaining popularity, let’s learn about their definitions, how they work together and offer advanced security to businesses.

GCL’s SD-WAN Optimization Project Stands Out, Honored as“2022 Outstanding SDN, NFV, and Network AI Case in China

GCL’s SD-WAN Optimization Project Stands Out, Honored as“2022 Outstanding SDN, NFV, and Network AI Case in China"

2023-07-06 CloudCustomer ExperienceData CenterSD-WAN

"GCL's SD-WAN Optimization Project", jointly submitted by China Entercom and GCL, has been selected as“2022 Outstanding SDN, NFV, and Network AI Case in China – Innovative Case Aw…

Sparkling Biz Matters: Cloud-Network Convergence for Business Innovation

Sparkling Biz Matters: Cloud-Network Convergence for Business Innovation

2023-01-31 CloudNetworkEcosystemSD-WAN

This is the best timing to strategize for your enterprises and add some sparkles to your businesses to get off to a good start. According to a recent survey conducted by CITIC Telec…

Integrating SASE with SD-WAN for Enterprises Cloud-Network Upgrade

Integrating SASE with SD-WAN for Enterprises Cloud-Network Upgrade

2022-11-24 NetworkSASESD-WAN

With the uptrend of hybrid working, remote working and distributed network, enterprises have no choice but deploy flexible, efficient and secure network solutions. Secure Access Ser…

CIE Golde: To Roof over Digitalization with Innovations

CIE Golde: To “Roof over” Digitalization with Innovations

2022-11-16 NetworkCustomer ExperienceSD-WANDigital Transformation

Interconnection in the digital era has brought together cross-regional online and offline businesses, facilitating the global business of enterprises, creating new opportunities and…

AI-driven SD-WAN: Unlock Immense Business Values

AI-driven SD-WAN: Unlock Immense Business Values

2022-09-16 AINetworkSD-WAN

The advent of AI has raised the ceiling of SD-WAN technology and resulted in intelligent SD-WAN network solution.

CITIC Pacific Special Steel: Empowered by Integrated ICT Solution for Digitalization and Intelligentization

CITIC Pacific Special Steel: Empowered by Integrated ICT Solution for Digitalization and Intelligentization

2022-07-15 CloudNetworkCustomer ExperienceData CenterCybersecuritySD-WANDigital Transformation

Having gone through multiple reviews in 2012, CITIC Pacific Special Steel opted to partner with China Entercom, to improve its focus on the core business with streamlined production…

Leading the Digital Transformation: Non-ferrous Metal enterprise embarks on the DX journey

Leading the Digital Transformation: Non-ferrous Metal enterprise embarks on the DX journey

2022-06-09 NetworkCustomer ExperienceSD-WANDigital Transformation

Unlike steel and coal enterprises, it is more challenging to realize digital transformation in the non-ferrous metal industry, due to discrete and complex operation, obstacles in da…

TrueCONNECT™ SASE: Realizing Comprehensive Network Protection

TrueCONNECT™ SASE: Realizing Comprehensive Network Protection

2021-10-29 NetworkSASESD-WAN

The revolution in business operation motivated the prevalence of remote office and the development on cloud-network convergence, SD-WAN and edge computing.

Deploying Network Upgrade to Be Back on Track

Deploying Network Upgrade to Be Back on Track

2021-10-27 NetworkCustomer ExperienceSD-WAN

With business expansion and the shift to the globalization 4.0 era, IT infrastructure is under challenges and networks are the first to be burnt. An upgrade of network infrastructur…

SD-WAN Reshapes Businesses and Breaks New Grounds in Connectivity

SD-WAN Reshapes Businesses and Breaks New Grounds in Connectivity

2021-10-15 NetworkCybersecuritySD-WANDigital Transformation

Subsequent to globalization, business expansion and new branch networks have raised the demand for cross-border communications. Enterprises have to seek a more advanced connectivity…

Equipped as a Digitally Resilient Enterprises for Post-pandemic Era

Equipped as a Digitally Resilient Enterprises for Post-pandemic Era

2021-07-30 AINetworkCybersecuritySD-WAN

IDC’s COVID-19 Survey revealed that over 50% of organizations are going to increase their technology budgets for innovative technologies in 2021, enabling remote offices, secure co…

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