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Enterprise Information Security: From Threats Detection to Disaster Recovery


Enterprise Information Security: From Threats Detection to Disaster Recovery

IDC forecasts there will be 41.6 billion devices connected to Internet in 2025. It is believed that the risk of cyberattacks will rocket sharply, along with increasing data processing volume. Facing ever-changing cybersecurity threats, enterprises have to equip with a high-efficiency Information Security Solutions in order to protect their networks, hardware, customer information and critical data. A powerful firewall is the starting point of the information security protection!

Next Generation Firewall (NGFW) – First Step to defend unknown threats

Next Generation Firewall (NGFW) provides enterprises a comprehensive protection through measures including intrusion prevention, Web Filtering, Anti-Malware, and application control.

Gartner reveals almost 80% of corporate network traffic is encrypted. However, 50% of cyberattacks are hidden in these encrypted traffic. Adopting Next Generation Firewall allows enterprises to fully manage network traffic and prevent from unknown security threats and cyberattacks.

There are many outstanding managed Next Generation Firewall service providers on the market, including CITIC Telecom CPC. Recently, we revamped TrustCSI™ 2.0 Information Security solution portfolio, including Next Generation Firewall service. We provide round-the-clock comprehensive and reliable infrastructure management services to handle the crucial burden of regular diligent device and software management. If you are looking for a partner who can provide you with hassle-free managed security services, please don't hesitate to contact us!

Although Next Generation Firewall can establish the first gate to defend security threats, the real-time automatic security risk analysis is the best solution to assist enterprises to take immediate and effective response towards the advanced cybersecurity threats.

In the coming weeks, we will share more insights on enterprise information security, including the response to advanced security threats e.g. Zero-day Attack. See you in the next blog of Enterprise Information Security.

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