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Embracing ESG and Sustainability with Innovative Technologies

Embracing ESG and Sustainability with Innovative Technologies


As the global focus on sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) continues to grow, enterprises must adapt and embrace innovative technologies to comply with ESG stan…

Embracing ESG and Sustainability with Innovative Technologies

Embracing ESG and Sustainability with Innovative Technologies

2024-07-19 AICloudSustainabilityBlockchain

As the global focus on sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) continues to grow, enterprises must adapt and embrace innovative technologies to comply with ESG stan…

CITIC Telecom CPC recently secured the prestigious IT Europa Channel Award for the

CITIC Telecom CPC Wins IT Europa Channel Awards for Best Remote Management Solution of the Year

2023-06-09 AIData CenterSustainability

CITIC Telecom CPC, a leading global-local intelligent DICT service provider, has been recognized for its outstanding achievement in this domain. We recently secured the prestigious …

Susutainable Technology is key for Greener Enterprise

Sparkling Biz Matters Series: Sustainable Technology for Greener Enterprises

2023-04-28 AICloudSustainabilityDigital Transformation

Using sustainable technology is essential for businesses to achieve ESG goals and carry out cost optimization, energy efficiency enhancement and better resource utilization to impro…

Singapore's Marketing Talents: “Work-from-Home” Experience during Pandemic

Singapore's Marketing Talents: “Work-from-Home” Experience during Pandemic

By June Tay, Marketing Manager, Singapore & Winnie Yeo, Marketing Assistant, Singapore - 2020-04-03 NetworkSustainability

To assure the safety and health of employees, CITIC Telecom CPC’s Singapore office has introduced the special work arrangements of working flexibility from home since the COVID-19 …

Enabling Sustainable Enterprises

Enabling Sustainable Enterprises

By Melody Ko, Management Trainee, CITIC Telecom CPC - 2019-12-16 SustainabilityIntelligent Innovation

Many organizations, including CITIC Telecom CPC, are committed to sustainability, especially emphasizes on the environment in all areas of business operations. It is critical for al…

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