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Managed Business Information Security for Enterprises | TrustCSI™

We strive to provide enterprises with managed business information security. Our total peace-of-mind information security services protect enterprises against cyber threats with 24 x 7 monitoring and vulnerabilities analysis.

What are cybersecurity solutions?

Cybersecurity solutions are a group of protection measures that a company will take against unauthorized or criminal use of data.

As the whole world is moving to digital transformation, having the right cybersecurity solutions in place has been more important than ever since a little flaw can affect hundreds or even billions of people.

In brief, cybersecurity solutions help businesses to tackle security issues and protect their data safety against cyber threats.

3 must-have cybersecurity solutions

As businesses are shifting from offline to online, hackers are becoming progressively more sophisticated in triggering cyberattacks. In other words, the basic domestic-used cybersecurity solutions might not be able to protect your systems anymore - you must incorporate various cybersecurity solutions to strengthen the security posture of your company.

Below are the 3 must-have cybersecurity solutions:

1. Vulnerability Assessment

Cybercriminals always happen out of a sudden, therefore, you should take proper cybersecurity solutions to make your system as cyber secure as possible.

To begin with, you need a vulnerability scanner to review existing security weaknesses and risks. Once discovered, it is highly recommended to fix the vulnerabilities immediately.

2. Cloud Backup

Hackers love holding your data hostage, no matter if you are compromised, they might still permanently delete it. If you do not have cybersecurity solutions for data backup and recovery, you might lose every piece of important information forever which can cause great damage to your daily operations.

Therefore, you need cloud backup cybersecurity solutions to make sure even if your hard drives are damaged accidentally, you can still recover files and minimize data loss.

3. Employee Training

Apart from installing cybersecurity solutions software, you should also make sure your employees are well-educated.

As a matter of fact, employees are the most common targets of phishing emails. Therefore, making sure your employees are equipped with in-depth cybersecurity knowledge is always one of the best cybersecurity solutions.

Enterprise Business Information Security Solutions with CITIC Telecom CPC

These days, one trend that is rapidly on the rise is about building and implementing an enterprise information security system. Information is an imperative asset for any business organization and thus, it is vital to protect it from cybercriminals. Organizations all over the world are spending on business information security.

Fundamentally, organizations are directing their funds and attention on protecting their data, which forms a basis for intellectual wealth, dynamic set-up, customer information and satisfaction, branding, and more. Information security is not only important for business organizations, but it also has become a part of their core business planning. Here are a few factors that increase the importance of business information security:

1. Securing critical information

The information must always be protected in the best possible way. With the expansion of the Internet world, the types of cyber threats have also increased. Information is a key asset for any business. Safeguarding your business data by incorporating various security measures would be the best way to protect your business.

2. Stay ahead of your competitors

Information security will help you keep ahead of your market rivals. When you don’t have to worry about your data security breach or leakage, you can use that time to focus on moving your business forward. A secured information structure will help you make a stronger and reliable presence in the market, enhance your business operations, attract potential customers, and help you beat your competitors.

3. Getting into new markets

With added information security, you will be able to expand your business into new markets. The secured network will help you reach the audience beyond your local markets. Online shopping has become a popular phenomenon and almost every business is trying to find its feet into online business. By employing business information security tools, you can build a safe platform where your customers can shop safely and share their confidential details without worrying about a security breach or data theft. Same way, you can also be sure that your business data won’t get leaked once you open your platform for outside parties.

4. Customer care with reduced costs

In this digital era, when your businesses are also going digital, a secured platform will attract more customers and drive sales upward. It will also help you enhance your customer care support and that too, with reduced costs. When you add advanced enterprise information security tools to your information infrastructure, it helps you in reducing costs that you might have to incur in case a security breach occurs. Unintended loss of data can cost you a lot of time and money. This, in turn, can affect the quality and distribution of your products and services. Thus, by making sure your information is fully secured, you can avoid unnecessary costs, losses, and focus on your customers.

TrustCSI™ Business Information Security Solutions

Security breaches are becoming a common thing these days. Business organizations are becoming more cautious and added security is a top priority for everyone. TrustCSI™ Managed Security Services comes with greater accessibility and disaster recovery services that are intended to help you tackle the ever-increasing IT security issues effectively and efficiently. We deliver a 24 x 7 proactive monitoring service and can help your enterprise recognize and investigate vulnerabilities, resolve threats along with upgraded security policies and procedures.

We always look to attain excellence and we have a committed team of security experts. TrustCSI™ Business Information Security Service has a 100% certified team of professionals who are qualified in international security standards and always keep track of what’s latest going on in the world of cyber threats and security.

CyberSecurity ReDEFINED. SOC4Future

TrustCSI™ 3.0 is our upgraded flagship security suite giving you the best possible enterprise protection. It provides superior visibility and control over information risks, with three pivotal areas of focus. Firstly, in an era of more stringent data handling practices, TrustCSI™ 3.0 addresses Compliance to meet even the most stringent evolving requirements. Secondly, it is an easily deployed, low overhead, zero maintenance Managed Security Service for navigating an increasingly complex IT landscape of sophisticated threats. Lastly, we leverage cutting-edge AI to infuse Innovation and intelligence to achieve dramatically higher speed, effectiveness, and efficiency in thwarting threats.

Your Trusted TechOps Security Enabler

As modern enterprises accelerate their digital transformation, they gain unprecedented opportunities, yet also heighten risks with an expanded attack surface. Meanwhile, cyber-threats are more sophisticated than ever. Today, dependable, comprehensive cybersecurity has never been more crucial.

CITIC Telecom CPC is committed to being Your Trusted TechOps Security Enabler. We fully understand specific digital protection needs across multiple industries, and offer our world class TrustCSI™ managed information security solutions empowered by the SOC4Future strategy to deliver holistic enterprise protection that enables your organization to Identify, Predict, Protect, Detect, Respond and Recover effectively from diverse threats.

Our experienced and certified team of security professionals conducts the “Red-Blue Security Practices”, enabling enterprise to assess weaknesses in their IT infrastructure landscape and applications to develop effective defense measures for maximum protection. Additionally, our cutting-edge intelligent security service, built on our ReDEFINED cybersecurity framework, world-class infrastructure, award-winning expertise and state-of-the-art technology, proactively safeguards your organization continuously and intelligently.

Please click on the Cybersecurity Framework for more details.

TrustCSI 3
Respond RecoverRespond Recover Identify and PredictIdentify and Predict DetectDetect ProtectProtect
Asset Identification Service Asset Identification Service

Asset Identification Service

Identify the network space assets that need protection

Vulnerability Assessment ServiceVulnerability Assessment Service

Vulnerability Assessment Service

Vulnerability Management Solution for Pre-emptive & Cost-effective Protection against Security Threats

Penetration Test ServicePenetration Test Service

Penetration Test Service

Intentionally hacking your network, web applications to check your organization security level

Code Review ServiceCode Review Service

Code Review Service

Ensure secure and efficient code deployment

AI Visual SecurityAI Visual Security

AI Visual Security

Protect enterprises from sophisticated malware

Managed Security Services (MSS)Managed Security Services (MSS)

Managed Security Services (MSS)

Your Security is Our Top Priority

Secure AI (UEBA)Secure AI (UEBA)

Secure AI (UEBA)

User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) for anomalous enterprise activity detection

Network Traffic Analysis Network Traffic Analysis

Network Traffic Analysis

Streamlined Network Scanning via AI Innovations

Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR)Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR)

Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR)

Complete Endpoint Security Solution Built for New Era of Business



Navigate the evolving threat landscape

Security Device Migration ServiceSecurity Device Migration Service

Security Device Migration Service

Professional migration service between security devices

OS & Applications Management (PS)OS & Applications Management (PS)

OS & Applications Management (PS)

Fully Managing and Supporting Your IT Operation in the Omni-Cloud Era

China Cybersecurity Law MLPS 2.0 Compliance ServiceChina Cybersecurity Law MLPS 2.0 Compliance Service

China Cybersecurity Law MLPS 2.0 Compliance Service

Expert consulting services for implementing a robust, fully compliant MLPS 2.0 infrastructure

Cross-Border Data Compliance Assessment ServiceCross-Border Data Compliance Assessment Service

Cross-Border Data Compliance Assessment Service

Versatile Managed Cloud Backup & DR Solution (BRR)Versatile Managed Cloud Backup & DR Solution (BRR)

Versatile Managed Cloud Backup & DR Solution (BRR)

Virtualized Backup, Replication & Recovery with 100% reliability

Secure Access Service Edge (SASE)Secure Access Service Edge (SASE)

Secure Access Service Edge (SASE)

Cloud-native Secure WAN for Distributed Enterprise

Managed Unified Threat Management (UTM)Managed Unified Threat Management (UTM)

Managed Unified Threat Management (UTM)

Your Managed Network Security Solution With Intelligent Aggregated Alerts

Managed Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW)Managed Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW)

Managed Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW)

Next Generation Enterprise Security against Next Generation Threats

Managed Web Application Firewall (WAF)Managed Web Application Firewall (WAF)

Managed Web Application Firewall (WAF)

Proven Platform, Expert Service, Secure Applications

Versatile Managed Cloud Backup & DR Solution (BRR)Versatile Managed Cloud Backup & DR Solution (BRR)

Versatile Managed Cloud Backup & DR Solution (BRR)

Virtualized Backup, Replication & Recovery with 100% reliability

Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR)Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR)

Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR)

Simplify threat response by automating incident response

Threat Hunting ServiceThreat Hunting Service

Threat Hunting Service

Proactively Arrest Attacks and Reveal Concealed Intruders

Security Incident Response (IR)Security Incident Response (IR)

Security Incident Response (IR)

Shorten investigation cycles with better prioritizing of higher priority threats

Global Coverage
Products & Services
Europe Solutions Networking Information Security Cloud Solutions Cloud Data Center Internet Services Managed Services
Architecture, Engineering & Construction Automobile BFSI Logistics & Transportation Manufacturing Legal & Accounting Services Retail Healthcare
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